My Journey to Instruction.

Pain is inevitable and suffering is optional.
— B.K.S. Iyengar

I received my Bachelor’s of Science in Biology and Occupational Therapy from the University of New Mexico.  During my college years I developed a fascination with the human body.  As an OT, I worked in Inpatient Rehabilitation, Acute Care, and in a skilled Nursing Facility with patients of various ages and diagnoses.  I also worked as an Early Intervention Therapist at Las Cumbres in Espanola, NM with children from 0-3 years.

After the birth of my first child, and a new diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, I stopped working to focus on my own health and caring for a newborn.  At this time, my family relocated to the Farmington area.  Following these major life transitions, I experienced 2 life altering tragedies that inspired me to seek a spiritual path and find yoga.  Yoga became a beacon of light through my pain and suffering. 

My education and experience as an OT make me uniquely qualified to work with individuals of all ages and ability.  My experience as a Yoga Therapist and my personal experience living with chronic pain have taught me that healing happens within and that as humans “Pain is inevitable and suffering is optional.” B.K.S. Iyengar.  Yoga is a pathway to come home to yourself. I believe yoga should be accessible and inclusive to all. Whether you experience chronic pain or illness, have a disability, are flexible or inflexible, fit, not fit, large, small old, young pregnant or not…. Yoga can be a place of comfort and self-care.  Yoga teaches us that there is a place of deep inner wisdom inside each of us.  Let me guide you in this practice of coming home… so that you too may experience and tune into greater inner wisdom and peace.  Yoga and meditation provide opportunities to experience intimacy with yourself!  

I began teaching yoga 15 years ago and recognized the therapeutic benefits of the practice. I explored and enjoyed teaching special populations such as, yoga for beginners, children, pregnant women and new mothers.  Teaching yoga to pregnant women led me to pursue a certification as a Labor Doula…. after a yoga student said, “I wish I could take you with me!”.  Assisting women throughout their journey into motherhood soon became my passion.  In 2016, I became the first Yoga Therapist in Farmington and now apply those principles to all of my classes and private sessions, including prenatal/postpartum.  It is truly an honor to serve my clients in a variety of life stages.  

My classes and private sessions are interactive, safe, and slow in order to develop the resiliency to face challenges on and off the mat. I teach yoga as an invitation for my clients to breathe and move consciously so that they may have improved tolerance for discomfort in life and to connect to a deep place of inner wisdom within themselves.  When I’m not studying, teaching, and practicing yoga, meditation, and all things motherhood, I enjoy hiking, biking, camping, skiing, reading, and traveling with family and friends.  

I am honored to serve you on your journey!

I bow to the light in you…..
